2021 Lord Mayor's Women in Business Grant recipients

Business Name/Company Recipient Website
57 Perches Jennifer McIntyre https://www.57perches.com
Absolique Hair Health Clinic Carolyn Frost https://hair-loss-treatments.com.au
Add Staff Apprenticeships Pty Ltd Melissa Stanford https://addstaff.com.au
Artificial Eyes Annette Watts https://artificialeyes.com.au
Baked by M&G Melanie Klinakis https://bakedbymg.com.au
Balance Osteopathy Sara Jane Hammond https://www.balanceosteopathy.net.au
BeKonstructive Holding Pty Ltd Rebecca Drayton https://bekonstructivemarketing.com.au
Belloo Creative Katherine Lyall-Watson https://www.belloocreative.com
Bidhive Pty Ltd Nyree McKenzie https://bidhive.com
Birds on Bikes Barbara Spooner https://www.designinginteriors.com.au
Brisbane Camera Hire Susan Gravina https://www.brisbanecamerahire.com.au
CoDesign Consulting Pty Ltd Naomi Matcham https://www.codesignconsulting.com.au
Corner Block Studio Natalie Lane https://cornerblockstudio.com
Eduvidd Kaitlyn Sapier https://eduvidd.com
East Forged Pty Ltd Kym Cooper https://eastforged.com
Edwards HR Emma Edwards https://www.edwardshr.com.au
Empower Me Training Katia Schofield linkedin.com/empowermetraining/
Full Circle Fibres Meriel Chamberlin https://fullcirclefibres.com
Gardams Fabrics Pty Ltd Dorothy Gardam https://www.gardams.com.au
Green Fox Studio Kelly Willmott https://greenfoxstudio.com.au
Helen Walker Occupational Therapy Helen Walker https://helenwalkerot.com
JK Couture Designs Joanne Hasson https://jkeveningwear.com.au
Latin Mana Pty Ltd Luz Mosquera https://www.facebook.com/LATIN.MANNA
Mel Watt Photography Melissa Watt https://melwattphotography.com.au
Movement Vitality Yoga and Mobility Virginia Corpus-McDermott https://movementvitality.com
New Day Skin Angela Tallon https://newdayskin.com.au
Packpal Sandy Wu https://www.packpal.com.au
Plain Speaking Health Pty Ltd Bethan Perel https://plainspeakinghealth.com
Polytoxic Leah Shelton http://www.polytoxiclovesyou.com
Relax Yoga Teresa Steele https://www.relaxyoga.com.au
Ritmix Gymnastics club Vanja Stok https://ritmixgym.com.au
Seeds of Knowledge Pty Ltd Lasni Motswagae https://seedsofknowledge.com.au
Skincare Business Foundations Jennifer Rudd https://skincarebusinessfoundations.com.au
Something Digital Lisa Renneisen https://www.somethingdigital.com.au
SportsPlus Physiotherapy Elyse Nayler https://sportsplusphysio.com.au
Super Party Heroes Stephanie Lee-Harper https://www.supersteph.com
Stones Corner Flower Shop Lynnette Johnson https://www.stonescornerflowershop.com.au
Stories For Walls Loretta Kiss https://storiesforwalls.com
The Brand Builders Charlotte Woods https://www.thebrandbuilders.com.au
The Bombshell Burlesque Academy Annalies Casale https://www.bombshellacademy.com.au
Task Tamers Susie Dash https://tasktamers.com.au
The Results Room Kiriana Giffin https://theresultsroom.com.au
The Studio – Dance and Arts Lisa Wilson https://www.thestudiodanceandarts.com.au
The Urban Gypsy – Storyteller Jacqueline Bawtree https://jacquelinebawtree.com
Thrive Acupuncture and Wellness Madeleine Walker https://thriveacupuncture.com.au
Transformational Brand Lab Jessica Ritchie https://jessica-ritchie.com
Urban Metal PTY LTD Deborah Bauer https://urbanmetal.com.au
Why X How Consulting Amanda Diaz https://www.fredandcodigital.com/whyxhow-business-consulting
Wisely Works Arlene Wise https://wiselyworks.co
WiseUp Energy Solutions Sharon Musker https://www.wiseupenergy.com
Women in Family Business Pty Ltd Susanne Bransgrove https://womeninfamilybusiness.org
WorkHaven Pty Ltd Jo Mason https://workhaven.com.au