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Connect with our business events, workshops and mentoring.

Brisbane Business Hub is the place where local businesses connect. It’s a resource hub and growth incubator for Brisbane businesses, with complimentary workshops, events and one-on-one mentoring with industry leaders; strong support for women in business; and convenient co-working spaces in the heart of Brisbane City, as well as a range of helpful online resources.

Visit the BBH to build your network and take your business to new heights.

How we can help your business

Workshops & Business Events
Classes, seminars and panel discussions and complimentary workshops will help you to grow, improve capabilities and build your network.
Coworking spaces at the Brisbane Business Hub
Our coworking solutions
Business support, workshops, mentoring, networking opportunities and more
Woman shaking hands with man
A curated resource hub with the tips and tools to take your business tot he next leve